Be one of the tree planting companies working for a greener future for the planet
Climate change is a serious problem that needs everyone’s efforts to prevent it. Companies can also be part of this initiative no matter where they are located. Your company can be part of the tree planting companies that support organizations that are in charge of planting trees around the world. You don’t have to move from where you are. You don’t have to invest large amounts of money. And the best part, you can use the trees you plant as a marketing strategy. Tree planting companies are committed to helping plant 2 billion hectares so that the planet can reduce the amount of CO2 over the next 40 years. Your company will be recognized by the number of trees it has helped to plant.
A dashboard to keep track of your trees
Technology makes our lives easier in many ways. To motivate people and companies to plant more trees, organizations … Read more
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